Couch Talk W/ Dr. Anna Cabeca

Re-Thinking Your Cervix: Pain, Orgasms and More



Today I want to start a conversation on a topic that you won’t often hear about, and that is about connecting more positively with your cervix. Meet Today’s Couch Talk Guest, Olivia Bryant On today’s Couch Talk I interview Olivia Bryant, founder of Self: Cervix, a global project that aims to educate women on how to heal their cervix for more pleasure, deeper orgasms, and easier childbirth. To date over 2500 women have taken part in her project. Prior to starting Self: Cervix Olivia worked as a sexologist and coach. I recently met Olivia when she interviewed me on her podcast on the topic of how to have a more empowered menopause… and I absolutely loved her mission to help women with what has been a somewhat taboo and hidden subject – and that is a woman’s cervix and how it is so much more than just the point of attachment between the uterus and vagina. Olivia is opening up this type of communication worldwide and is really helping a lot of women. In many cases, she is helping women figure out what is causing