Couch Talk W/ Dr. Anna Cabeca

Confused About Bio-Identical Hormones During Menopause?



Controversy and Clinical Insights into the Health Effects and Breast Cancer Today on Couch Talk I am talking with Dr. Edwin Lee. He is a past Couch Talk guest and one of the best physicians I know. And we’re talking about one of my favorite topics, the use of bio-identical hormones in the treatment of menopausal symptoms in women. Dr. Lee believes that the best way to treat hormonal imbalance is by natural bio-identical hormone therapy. Natural hormones are the exact and identical hormones that are made in your body (versus synthetic hormones which are not chemically structured the same as in your body). He feels that the use of bioidentical hormones with estradiol, estriol, progesterone and or testosterone in women is essential, whereas the use of testosterone in men is crucial to prevent early mortality. Dr. Lee combines functional medicine to determine the root problem with the use of bioidentical hormones to help his patients achieve wellness – along with an emphasis on improving on diet, lifestyle, and