Couch Talk W/ Dr. Anna Cabeca

A Non-Toxic Approach to Women’s Periods & Urine Leaks



Today I’m talking to a wonderful innovator named JB Owen. JB talked about her background in the male-dominated construction industry and how that shaped her focus on helping other women in business. She has some empowering perspectives for women which I believe will resonate with many of you in my community. During our Couch Talk interview, we also talked about a beautiful product that JB designed for women of ALL ages. I’ll give you a little summary of that conversation but you should really listen to the interview for more of JB’s thoughts. You will love her! And she has a special gift for my community (see below)! No More Toxin-Laden Sanitary Pads And Tampons! An alternative that is non-toxic, environmentally friendly and fun! JB talked to us about a product that you will definitely want to check out. She is the creator of Lotus Liners, a non-toxic and environmentally friendly alternative to the sanitary napkins, tampons, and incontinence panty-liners that you may use today; whether for your period, for b