Couch Talk W/ Dr. Anna Cabeca

Cancer: Preventable and Reversible?



All of us have been touched in some way with the sadness, pain, and loss related to cancer. Today on Couch Talk I am talking with a rising star in the prevention and cure of cancer. Leigh Erin Connealy, M.D. She is a brilliant physician and also a woman who has dealt with hormone problems and cancer concerns herself – throughout most of her life – due to having been a DES baby. Remember DES? Many women in the ’50s, who had pregnancy issues, were put on this so-called wonder drug…and then the research caught up with just how toxic this miracle drug was. DES usage by their moms during pregnancy sentenced all of those babies to lifelong risks for cancer and hormone complications, including infertility challenges. Well, Leigh’s mom had to take DES during her pregnancy due to some ongoing bleeding. Being a DES baby is probably one of the reasons Leigh became a doctor in the first place…and definitely impacted her focus on and passion about cancer prevention and the importance of hormone dysfunction. Says Leigh, “Y