Feminine Power Time With Christine Arylo

244 Mid-Year Power Pause: Take the Space for What Matters Most to You These Next 3 Months



Every year the wise one pause at the mid point of the year to reflect back and receive (acknowledge and honor) all of the progress made (so we can feel it, believe it, and savor it)... and to reset, restore and reset our pace for the next 3 months.     In this episode, Christine Arylo will walk you through a series of inquiries that will help you slow down, and tune in and Recognize the progress and growth you've made in this last cycle Honor what it's taken to become the person you are today  Find the keys to how to create space this season so you start the next radiant and ready Focus on what you want to give your energy to this season in ways that build on the momentum of the devotion, committment and energy you've already given.   Between now and the next episode, we invite you to contemplate of these inquiries, as it relates to how you choose to spend your time, give your energy, focus your attention these next 3 months including: What Would I Love to Experiment With? What Do I Love Space for... thi