Father Simon Says

Father Simon Says - June 21, 2024 - Athaliah



(2:06) Bible Study: 2 Kgs 11:1-4, 9-18, 20 Father Unpacks this complicated Passage in the bible. You won’t want to miss this! Mt 6:19-23 What does it mean to store up treasure where your heart is. (18:12) Break 1 (18:57) Letters: Father answers letters as to why you should go back to church, if orthodox Jews adopt none Jews, why some Holy days of obligation are not obligatory to all diocese and what do you do if they have Mass but no confession. (40:00) Break 2 (40:17) Word of the Day: Zion  (43:38) Phones: Al - What is the chronological order, Sodom, Gomorrah, Ten Commandments, Moses and the Flood? Winnifred - A Catholic marrying a protestant, they weren't married before a priest.  Are they considered married in the eyes of the Church, and receiving communion?