Vidya By Pia & Bart

54. Rhythm



In this podcast episode, we explore the profound concept of rhythm in life as a more dynamic and integrated approach compared to the traditional notion of work-life balance. We recount a journey to Santiago de Compostela, where the experience of walking the pilgrimage illuminated thoughts about personal and environmental rhythms. We discuss how different rhythms, such as daily cycles and life stages, influence our actions and well-being. The conversation extends to how understanding these rhythms can lead to better integration of work and life, suggesting that life is not about balancing static elements but rather flowing with the natural rhythms that govern our existence. Delving deeper, we reflect on how aligning with these natural rhythms—like those of sleep and wakefulness influenced by natural light—can enhance our health and productivity. The idea is extended metaphorically to organisations, comparing the life stages of a company to seasons, which highlights the importance of adapting to each phase for