Lean Blog Audio

Psychological Safety: Ensuring Every Voice is Heard, Not Necessarily Followed



Blog post Psychological Safety means everybody gets their say, but it doesn't mean you get your way. Psychological Safety is an individual's belief, feeling, or perception that it's safe for them to speak up in a situation. When people are rewarded for speaking candidly, that leads to rigorous debate and better decisions. Psychological Safety doesn't mean freedom from being challenged or disagreed with. It doesn't turn the workplace into a democracy and it doesn't mean you need 100% agreement to move forward on anything. Psychological Safety means you can disagree with your manager or a peer… and they have the safety to disagree in return. Psychological Safety doesn't mean shutting down a discussion because you feel uncomfortable. What practices and behaviors have you seen in a workplace that cultivate Psychological Safety? What are some examples of rewarding people for speaking up candidly? To me, it comes down to three high-level countermeasures for leaders: Modeling candor, vu