Macabre London Podcast

Charles Bravo & The Curious Case of the Unsolved Murder Mystery at the Priory



In a palatial South London home, a pained scream rang out into the night. As the residents of the home rushed to the aid of the man who had called out, the only thing they could do was watch whilst he writhed in pain. After the maid was sent to grab mustard and hot water to assist his gripe, it was plain to see that he’d been poisoned as his hands helplessly tried to calm his burned throat and everyone in the room knew that whatever happened next would be incredibly painful for him. After 3 agonising days, the man passed away but everyone who was in the house on the night of the poisoning was now a suspect and with the man having many an enemy, the murder case would unfold to become one of the Victorian Era’s most shocking and scandalous whodunnits. Today on Macabre London, we uncover the murder of Charles Bravo and the mystery at The Priory. ------------------------Podcast: London is a fortnightly podcast and YouTube show that delves into London's haunted and gruesome