Driving For Your Success With Sheevaun Moran

Ep 373: Dissolve Fear and Eliminate It



Hey, everyone, Sheevaun here driving for your success. And I was on a call earlier with somebody who has become part of our community. And one of the questions they asked me was, why is everybody having so much fear? Why is the fear more palpable? Why is the fear so different than it was a few years ago? And you know, I mean, you could say solar flares, you could say 5G, you know, all all of these, you know, fringy kind of ideas. But I think another idea about fear is media. All types of media gives the idea, gives the perspective, gives the understanding that we are doomed and things are going to get bad. And so when people are thinking that things are gonna get bad, they're gonna hunker down, they're gonna close themselves off, they're going to shrink. And the people who have the courage to get out there and step up and, and speak what they're gonna speak and share their wisdom, they're actually going to have to step, climb, walk, leap educate themselves, continue to remind themselves to walk, get on the ot