Keen On

Episode 2012: The Woman Who Mistook A Stranger For Her Husband



Imagine accosting a stranger in a grocery store because you mistook him to be your husband? That was the fate of the Washington Post science reporter, Sadie Dingfelder, who suffers from the bizarre condition of faceblindness. She explores this condition in DO I KNOW YOU?, her own journey into the strange science of sight, memory, and imagination. Dingfelder’s embrace of her own neurodiversity is both intriguing and delightful. This is a strongly recommended interview, one of my favorite of the summer so far. Sadie Dingfelder is a science journalist who is currently obsessed with hidden neurodiversity and science-based answers to the question: If you were beamed into the mind of another person or animal, what would that be like? Her debut book, “Do I Know you? A Faceblind Reporter’s Journey into the Science of Sight, Memory and Imagination,” comes out in June. She spent six years as a reporter for the Washington Post Express, where she focused on high-impact public service journalism, such as this review of e