
Ep. 7: Apr 1981: Gem Drop (Homebrew)



Magazine coverage for April 1981 but jump ahead in time to cover our first homebrew game, Gem Drop by Bill Kendrick. Bill also invented one of the first software-driven graphics modes, called Super IRG, and we have an interview with him to talk about it. Introduction Ferg's review of BASIC Programming River Raid Linear Feedback Shift Registers Elite II: 100 billion solar systems on 2 floppy disks Ten Pence Arcade podcast, Episode 25: Space Invaders Feedback Cross-platform Apple ][ emulator You Don't Know Flack Ep. 155: Cassettes KansasFest Inverse ATASCII Vintage Computer Festival Compute #11, Apr 1981 Sholes (QWERTY) vs Dvorak keyboard Does the Dvorak keyboard increase typing speed? VIC-20: First Look The Mysterious and Unpredictable RND The Atari Gazette Unlease the Power of your Atari CPU Weird Al's Word Crimes ... For 22 more links, see the show notes