Eft/tapping Q & A Podcast W/ Gene Monterastelli - Emotional Freedom Techniques

Tapping in response to failure (Pod #618)



The primary goal of our subconscious mind is to keep us safe. To do this, it is constantly learning lessons from our experience. For example, after touching a hot stove a small child quickly learns quickly not to do that again. This only becomes a problem when the subconscious mind learns the "wrong" lesson from an experience. I frequently see this come up when working with my clients around their reluctance to take action. Their resistance usually stems from one of these lessons that is neither useful nor true. The most common lesson learned is that failure is bad, painful, and must be avoided at all costs. At first glance, this seems reasonable…except that the solution proposed by the subconscious mind is not to try at all. The logical fallacy is obvious: Not taking action doesn't keep us safe, it keeps us stuck. In this week's podcast, I share two ways to release the resistance to taking action that is created by past failures. Support the podcast! Http://tappingqanda.com/support Subscribe in: Apple Podca