Kate Hastings Show

Transforming Pain: Wounds into Wisdom



Pain, whether physical, emotional, or psychological, often leaves deep wounds that can shape our lives in significant ways. However, these wounds can also become sources of immense strength and insight. Healing isn't easy, and it takes a lot of strength—the right kind of strength. I used to be strong in all the wrong ways, tolerating abuse and being a people-pleaser. True strength comes from being authentic and courageous. In this episode, I'll talk about the importance of recognizing our wounds and how they shape our identities. It's about letting go of survival tactics and becoming our true selves in order to shift that into wisdom.  I know that many people get stuck on their healing journey because of fear and old habits. "Transforming Pain: Wounds into Wisdom" is here to help you break free from those patterns. I'll share stories, insights, and practical tips to help you embrace your pain and turn it into wisdom. Phenyx Fit | Kate Hastings Podcast | Mental Health Coach | WEBSITE:  ____________________