Mark Levin Audio Rewind

Mark Levin Audio Rewind - 7/29/24



On Monday’s Mark Levin Show, President Biden and Kamala Harris try to camouflage their Marxism with words like democracy. Their war on the Supreme Court, war on federalism and the states, and their war on the filibuster is underway. Biden and Harris have demonstrated their authoritarianism today - change the Supreme Court to institute their agenda, as they reject the states when it comes to abortion and demand the elimination of the filibuster to prevent any challenge to their legislative demands, Every institution and process in place to prevent their likes from concentrating power and building a police state they seek to destroy. It’s sickening to watch Biden lecture us about civil rights when it was his party that filibustered the 1964 Civil Rights Act. This would be Biden who threw in with at least 6 of the worst racist-segregationists in the Senate, all of whom were involved in filibustering the 1964 Civil Rights Act, in his effort to prevent public school desegregation via busing. Moreover, Johnson was