Share Talk Ltd

Zak Mir talks to Jonathan Owen, CEO of Metals One PLC



Zak Mir talks to Jonathan Owen, CEO of Metals One, after the recent announcement that the company which is advancing strategic minerals projects in Finland and Norway, said that the Company’s Råna Project partner and operator, Kingsrose Mining Limited, has entered into a service agreement with Arctic Drilling AS, for the commencement of helicopter supported core drilling at the Rånbogen prospect on the Råna Project in August 2024. The program aims to prove two high-priority targets by September, with results expected in October. The Rana Project, a former successful mining site, holds promising geological potential near the base of the intrusion. Successful drilling could lead to extensive resource definition and potential development, moving from exploration to a more de-risked development phase. Kingsrose Mining has invested over $3 million and is approaching a majority shareholding in the joint venture, demonstrating a strong commitment to the project’s prospects. Metals One benefits from a free carry