The Tale Of Rome

Episode 042 - The Appian Way



Episode 42 – The Appian Way— And more than once, it happened that clients would get the wrong door, and walk into the school, before they realized, there were no girls there, but young students instead.The Roman road that would make Rome the undisputed powerhouse of Italy. And the life of Appius Claudius, the maker of that road.Partial TranscriptHello, this is Abel, speaking from Beijing, China. Welcome to my podcast.The Tale of Rome, Episode 42 — The Appian Way.No other road, path, or route of communication has changed the history of the western world as much as the Appian Way, today also known as the Old Appian Way.Natural passage points, or itineraries, that people used by land — such as the Silk Road, the Amber Road, and their maritime counterparts — such as the Strait of Gibraltar — they all can claim their own importance, and yes, they did their fair share, to alter history in their own ways.As another example, we have the pathway between the locality of Marathon and Athens, which was traveled by a Gree
