

1 Peter 1:1-25 — We often hear the phrase “child of God” and consider it another term for simply being a Christian, but what is the true meaning of this phrase, and how do we become one? In Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones’ sermon on 1 Peter 1:1-25, he discusses how being a child of God becoming a slave to Christ rather than sin. We are all born originally as sinners and cannot escape this bondage on our own. The only way to escape this slavery to sin is to become a “child of God”. But how can we do such a thing? Dr. Lloyd-Jones states that to accomplish this task, we must first be redeemed. We must realize our wretched state, and ask for forgiveness. Only after we do this, can our sins be reconciled by Christs sacrifice on the cross. However, being redeemed is only the first step to becoming a child of God. Dr. Lloyd-Jones states that we must accept Christ as our new master, because he bought us. We are not made free by Christ, but we are made free from the power of sin. As Dr. Lloyd-Jones puts it, “We are bought by t