

1 Peter 1:13-25 — This world is one of uncertainty. Some lives seem to be near perfect, and some seem to be falling apart. What does the Christian do when the trials of life seem to continually crash like waves against them? Listen to this sermon on 1 Peter 1:13-25 as Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones challenges the listener to “gird up the loins of our mind,” as they live in this ever-changing world, and proclaims the hope that Christians have as foreigners in a strange land. The only hope is the return of Jesus Christ that will take place at the end of the age when everyone will rise from the dead to experience judgment. Dr. Lloyd-Jones clearly explains that the judgment comes from a God who is holy and judges each person’s works impartially from the standard of His own holiness. The only way that one can measure up to his standard of holiness is through the Lord Jesus Christ who died and rose again on humanity’s behalf. In this sermon, Dr. Lloyd-Jones reminds the Christian to remember that this life is short, death w