The Brendon Show

Before Judging Others, Do This...



It's often easy to judge others, get upset at others, get frustrated with others... But do we truly understand what's going on in their lives? Do we have the same expectations? The right tools? In this episode, learn what to do before judging others, and how to empower them to be better. On your path to becoming a better leader, consider this: “If you don’t know what your kids are enthusiastic about, then you don’t know your kids. If you don’t know what every person on your team geeks out about or is enthusiastic about, then you haven’t started leading yet. You’re in the game, but if you don’t know each person's enthusiasm, you don’t know their lever point. With enough enthusiasm they’ll give more effort...they’ll correct the environment with positivity. So put enthusiasm in the middle, because once you know that, all the other levers get pulled real fast." If you’re looking to master true leadership, this episode is for you! Get your High Performance Planner (before we sell out!) Get HPX Supplements For