The Brendon Show

Motivational Quotes: Obstacles, Decisiveness, Time Management



“The issue with so many people is they see something they want and they get distracted. A real ambition is something you're fully connected to—something you put your full heart into, and then your mind into, with your focus. And every single day, you check in and ask: 'What could I do today to decisively move forward?'” This motivational quotes episode contains powerful quotes on how to overcome struggles with grace. Hear quotes that will reframe your struggles and help you realize that it's all a part of the bigger picture. On your path to overcoming struggle and achieving big wins, consider this: “The challenges and obstacles of our lives are put there for a reason because they want us to get better. We're supposed to find ways to go around, above, through, under—whatever it takes to make our dreams come true. And it ain't easy! There are going to be a lot of challenges and boulders in front of you that you never anticipated. But one day, you’re going to say: 'Today I’m going to scale that thing!' And you