Martyn Lloyd-jones Sermon Podcast

No Hope For This World



1 Peter 1:13 — How are Christians to view this world? In this sermon on 1 Peter 1:13 titled “No Hope For This World,” Dr. Martyn Lloyd-Jones says that the Bible shows that the world is passing and temporary. Christians are to seek not to transform this world, but to bring the gospel that alone can transform the hearts and minds of people. The Bible never promises that this world will be made inevitably better as many people believe, but it teaches that salvation comes to take people out of the world. True peace does not come when war ends, or poverty is removed, but when sinful people are reconciled with God and forgiven of their sins. For this reason, the church is to look not to politics to bring about transformation and renewal, but to the gospel. What then is the Christian’s duties in this world? Christians are to seek the kingdom of God by preaching the gospel to the whole world. They are to preach the gospel as the only means of true peace and salvation from sins and the final judgement of God. Christia