Christy Wright's Business Boutique

Be True to You by Being Willing to Let Go



Right now, I'm in this season of purging with three small kids. I'm constantly going through closets and toy bins. And when I sit down to do this, I get a little sad. I think about Conley's sentimental things, or Carter's shoes that he's outgrown, or Mary Grace's newborn onesies. I get a little sad that these seasons of our lives are ending. Even if some of those seasons were hard-like those sleepless nights of the newborn stage. But you know what? We experience this often. I get really sentimental when something's over. Whether I loved a season or not, I find that there's something about endings that makes it hard to let go. I worked at the YMCA for three years. During that time, I worked so hard and so many hours to the point of burnout. So, when this season of my life was ending-when I was leaving a job that my heart had not been in for a while, where I was working every night, every weekend, every week on the holidays-I still felt sad. And I still felt sad even though I was going to a job where I was goin