Keto Naturopath

135: It Started When Corn Became Cheap



Today, we continue with our story about corn. The industrialization of our food supply has resulted in an explosion of calorie-rich, nutrient-poor, and incredibly cheap processed foods. In this episode, we explain how that happened, and we also discuss the consequences. It is a great story that might change your life, so be sure to listen in.The Aztec populationThe Aztec population and the populations before them exploded because easily digestible calories became readily available to them. Amino acidsWhen corn got mixed with other grains, people were getting all eight essential amino acids.  A forgotten processChristopher Columbus felt that the Europeans were far more sophisticated and intellectually superior to the native American populations. He did not place any importance on the way that the corn was getting processed by the Native Americans. As a result, the process got forgotten in Europe because the Europeans thought it was too primitive. A big problemChanging the way that corn got processed created a