HALO Talks

Episode #446: Charles Seltzer Shares the Story Behind Cross Court, The Next Evolution in Pickup Basketball



Charles Seltzer and his Co-Founder Brendan Doney shared a passion for team sports since childhood. From hockey, basketball, and soccer to football, lacrosse, and more . . . their lives revolved around sports. However, their competitive sports journey ended after high school, and college only offered the chance to play intramural. After graduating, both found it heard to find a reliable team to play on. They joined different leagues but often missed games and weren't particularly thrilled with their teams. Frustrated, they made the difficult decision to give up on sports altogether.  Eventually, they decided there was a business opportunity and formed a unique basketball-inspired social club called Crosscourt. Charles shares how they aim to make team sports as accessible and seamless as other fitness experiences. From pickup sessions to a membership-based community, Crosscourt offers a holistic approach to reigniting people's passion for team sports and the sense of connection it brings.  On the benefits of te