Nourishing The Mother

NTM 451: Hurt lingering? It’s never too late to lead with love



In this episode we give you 10 easily accessible, easy-to-do ideas on how to break the BS cycles of disconnection and resentment and get back on the connection train that’s taking you to destination ‘the relationship’ you want to live. In this episode we discuss:- What are you an energetic match for?- What do you feel worthy of?- What are you available for?- Asking for what you want - Halting disappointment cycles - Growing who you are to grow your relationship - It takes way more energy to ‘hold back’ than it does to give love - The part of you that’s not dialled into your intimacy needs- Ten easy, cool ideas to get back on track!To explore feminine embodiment, intimacy and relationship in Honey Club with Julie, visit explore conscious parenting and inspiring motherhood in Reimagining Motherhood with Bridget, visit