Nourishing The Mother

NTM 389: Allowing space for your humanness in any big life change



We centre Julie’s honest and open experience post-surgery but please insert ‘hysterectomy’ or ‘big life change’ that transforms your identity. In this podcast we discuss the two areas of any big life change - what you can prepare for, and what you’ll be asked to surrender to. In this episode we discuss: ⁃ rites of passage in women’s lives ⁃ active health care ⁃ advocating for yourself and your health and healing journey  ⁃ Slowing down enough to feel ⁃ Setting yourself up for a great recovery  ⁃ Meeting yourself emotionally where you’re at, at every stage ⁃ Calling in and creating a support network that holds you ⁃ Recognising control can often be a wounded childhood pattern for survival ⁃ Knowing that any identity shift will ask you to surrender, and you can either move with that, or struggle against it.  ⁃ Allowing space for the messy human  ⁃ Meeting yourself in fear and shock ⁃ Fortifying your mental strength ⁃ Creating spaciousness by being able to meet each moment  ⁃ Trusting the universe to provide wha