Voice Of Achievers

Performance Management, Competency Mapping & Downsizing Ft Suresh Pugalenthi



What can people managers do to enhance the competencies of average performing team members?How do they deal with downsizing or letting go of staff?How do people managers decide when and how employees must be rewarded or recognized for their work?We connect the dots and build a framework for competencies, rewards, failures, and more in this special episode of our mini People & HR series on Voice of Achievers.Our guest is Mr Suresh Pugalenthi, Head HR, India Operations at Wipro. With 23+ years of experience in HR, he specializes in Organization Development and Employee Relationship management. He has successfully shaped and executed initiatives at Hindustan Petroleum Corporation Limited as the organizational development head in the past. His expertise lies in Organizational Diagnosis, Leadership Development, Reward & Recognition, Competency Building, Knowledge Management, Process improvement, Restructuring, Downsizing, and Change Management.He has published several articles and research papers across Na