10x Finland Podcast

#89: Gerald Coniel – The Adventurer and Chocolate Maker



10X Finland is back after a three-month hiatus due to the presidential election. And for a change, in English. From December to February, I conducted fourteen podcast episodes with presidential candidates for Mediatalo Keskisuomalainen. These podcasts, produced by Ville Paija, can be found online by searching for "Haluat siis presidentiksi." My two main takeaways from the interviews were how educational it was to set aside my personal politics and prejudices and approach each candidate with curiosity and an eagerness to understand. The other takeaway was that, when conducting research for the podcasts, I stared into the abyss that is Finland's economic performance. All I can say is that it takes an insane amount of entrepreneurial drive to lift this nation back to its feet. With this in mind, I took my microphones and visited one of my favorite individuals and an incredible entrepreneur, Gerald Coniel, who operates a chocolate factory in Billnäs, Raasepori. In this episode, we fast-forward through his life in