Edge Radio With Viz And Annie

Edge Radio 03-02-11 Part 2



In hour 2 Viz tries to tell Annie about a story related to Brain pacemakers to help fight obsessive compulsive disorder, Depression, and Tourettes Syndrome. For some reason it leads to a funny story about Viz coming in someone's ear. It also leads to Viz doing a Katherine Hepburn impression. After the break Viz brings up the fact that an ex show host on QNation.FM no longer has a website and Viz wonders if there is a problem. Viz says this ex host is bitter and jealous of Parker and his show on the station. Viz tells Annie that he is taking Parker becoming the houseboy and moving in as an opportunity to learn to control his temper at home. Annie brings up the topic of people with eyes that look in different directions and how one should handle the eye contact during a conversation. She is looking for advice on what to do and what is appropriate from listeners.