Edge Radio With Viz And Annie

Edge Radio 03-18-09 Part 1



Viz is in a very excited mood because they get to talk to and interview Gay Pop Star Aiden Bay. Viz wants to bust Mz. Evil’s balls about not showing up last week after he promised a porn report this week with a special porn star guest. Cole tells us that he finally got through a Target shopping trip without getting aroused. Annie’s got issues and Viz wanted to make sure that he and Cole weren’t a direct result of being on the show. Viz gives Annie and Cole an update on nut sack guy and admits things that he probably shouldn’t have on the air. Cole brings up to Viz that he saw a show that reminded him of Viz. For some reason it involved repos, Mexicans, and midgets. During the break Annie and Cole find Mexican midget wrestling and go off into the world of giggles and such once they return on air. It soon becomes Midget humor 101. Once they gather composure Cole reports a story involving lesbians and a turkey baster assault. He also reports on a story about a female high school senior and her fight to wear a