Rational Radio Daily With Steele And Ungar

"You're going to save $7 billion a year, but you're going to pay out A LOT more...over 10 years it's about $194 billion."



President Trump signed an executive order yesterday directing the federal government to stop all subsidy payments to insurance companies that are part of the Affordable Care Act. At the signing ceremony, the president beamed, saying, “This will cost the federal government virtually nothing.” According to the Congressional Budget Office, that is not the case. The CBO’s initial scorecard on President Trump’s order shows that while the government will save around $7 billion a year in CSR payments, it will cost taxpayers almost $194 billion over 10 years, including the net savings. Katherine Hayes, health policy director at the Bipartisan Policy Center, joins Michael Steele and gust co-host Rick Tyler to break down the numbers and the effect they would have on millions of Americans. Kelly Magsamen, the vice president of national security and international policy at American Progress, discusses the potential diplomatic and political impact of President Trump’s decision to decertify the Iran nuclear deal.