Dispatches From Sainte Marina: A Last Resort Podcast

Episode #3: Blue on Blue



Things get more complicated in the second episode of Last Resort, from international threats to new mysterious characters. Is Kylie Sinclair an interesting character, or just an exposition machine? How is King emblematic of America's identity crisis? And does that subplot with Christine's interrogation even make sense? Tune in for answers to all that and more. SHOW NOTES: 0:45 - Intro, episode synopsis and clip 5:03 - A jam-packed opening 5 minutes 7:57 - How do torpedoes work, exactly? 10:10 - The main plotline involving Russia 14:07 - The situation with the COB; split loyalties 17:50 - Military families and the revelation about Chaplin's son 21:23 - Kylie Sinclair as exposition machine; potentially an interesting character 30:04 - King as personification of American identity crisis 36:47 - Main topic: Christine and the reveal about Kendal's past 51:21 - Show close DON'T FORGET: You can contact the show by emailing lastresort@filmgeekradio.com. Thanks for listening!