Dread Media

Dread Media - Episode 07



In this episode of Dread Media, Desmond Reddick reviews Henry and Butcher #1 and The Legend of Joe Moon #0 from Pit Bros. Productions, as well as the upcoming Savage Brothers trade paperback from BOOM! Studios. E-mails and messages abound! Reach me at dreadmedia@earth-2.net or at www.myspace.com/dreadmediapodcast. Tunes include: "I Don't Wanna Be (A Superhero)" by Michale Graves et al (www.myspace.com/gravesmichale), "Wicked Man" by Ghoultown (www.myspace.com/ghoultown), "Re Your Brains" by Jonathan Coulton (www.jonathancoulton.com) and "Bloodsucking Freaks" by The Motherfucking Browns (www.myspace.com/themotherfuckingbrowns).