She + She Tv Factory

Ep. 20 -- Peep This With Your Ear Holes



  Here she is.  This week She + She are tired but still mumbling through their stories anyway! There is too much nature in the world, but it's okay because Bernie Sanders said "Bon Iver" this week.  The People V. Orange J is almost over and She + She are talking about the penultimate ep. Amazon Prime: good or great? Drag Race did roller skates and She + She are developing a television show called President Bitch.  Peep this with your ear holes and tell your friends! Follow She + She TV Factory on the social medias Instagram: @sheandshetv @skrugs @krispyferriso Twitter: @sheandshetv @skrugs @kristieferriso Facebook: She + She TV Factory Rate and review on iTunes  Thank you pals and stay blessed!