What Would Bernie Sanders Do - The Podcast

#73 -- Dems AGAINST Single Payer! + STOP choosing Party Over People!



Recorded May 5, 2017. Both parties have put us at the mercy of the for-profit health insurance industry for too long, and while Democrats sing "Nah-nah-hey-hey" at House Republicans for passing the treacherous "American Health Care Act", all this political football diminishes the health of millions of Americans . But the present charade on both sides of the aisle appears to have awakened many Americans and some politicians to the only viable answer: single payer healthcare.   Debbie Wasserman Schultz says "MYOB" to Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren for DARING to question the judgment of Barack Obama for accepting a $400,000 speaking fee from a Wall Street investment firm.  But the Democrats' close ties to Wall Street and Big Pharma are not only "our business"--they are a major reason we have Trump in the White House. Debbie and the Dems can run but they can't hide as we continue to call them out for working for the donors -- and against the interests of the 99%.    "Progressive" media from MSNBC to Daily K