What Would Bernie Sanders Do - The Podcast

#71 -- Stay Strongly Non-Partisan -- And Get Involved -- Interview With Local Candidates!



Recorded February 17, 2017. Turn on NPR or other corporate media, and you're likely to hear Russia and/or Putin mentioned hundreds of times in a matter of hours. Dr K counted! But how much did we hear about Gen. John Nicholson's statement to the Senate Armed Services Committee that after 15 years at war we're at a "stalemate" in Afghanistan? We discuss the general's underreported request for thousands more troops and billions in additional spending in the context of the propaganda campaign against Tulsi Gabbard's trip to Syria in search of a peaceful solution to our perpetual wars. What's the reason for so much discussion about Russia and so little mention of the consequences of our ongoing wars? During their Town Hall debate on Obamacare, Bernie Sanders and Ted Cruz embody the ideological rift between Americans. Bernie believes health care is a right and that we need to pool our resources to provide care for our fellow Americans. Ted Cruz follows the logic Hillary Clinton used during her primary campaign, th