What Would Bernie Sanders Do - The Podcast

#63 -- The TRANSPARENCY Episode! + An Interview with the Author of Chicago Is Not Broke!



Recorded September 16, 2016. Special "Transparency" Episode!  Bernie Sanders speaks out, at their conception, against abominations against our environment and tribal rights like the Dakota Access Pipeline. So why does it take public embarrassment or outrage to get leaders like President Obama and Hillary Clinton to take action? Could it be that they don't want to offend their friends and donors in high places? President Obama promised the most transparent administration in history, which is probably why it takes e-mail leaks to prove that the usual pay-to-play and influence-peddling has completely painted over that "transparency." If you've got millions to stuff into the president's campaign coffers, you can be head of the FDA or get a cushy ambassadorship. And Colin Powell's leaked e-mails add to the list of ways Hillary Clinton has shown her incompetency. In our Chicago Progress segment, we interview public defender, educator and grassroots organizer Tom Tresser about his revealing and disturbing book Chica