What Would Bernie Sanders Do - The Podcast

#49 -- NEVADA "VIOLENCE!?" -- The REAL Story! + The OTHER Republican-Hosted Political Convention!



Recorded May 19th, 2016. The Democratic Party and the media rush to portray Bernie Sanders and his supporters as violent radicals, but the only violence displayed at the Nevada Convention was the quashing of the democratic process by the Democratic Party itself! Which sounds an awful lot like what the Democratic Party accuses those scary Republicans of. Speaking of Republicans, guess whose lobbyists are "hosting" the Democratic National convention? Last podcast we told how Debbie Wasserman Schultz was rigging the convention against Bernie. Well, Establishment Democrats appear thrilled to have a gaggle of pro-Wall Street, anti-Social Security, Comcast-connected (anti-net neutrality) and Republican-lobbying "hosts" running their convention, again blurring the distinction between the two parties.  And what can you do about "Payday Loan" Debbie Wasserman Schultz? You can support her opponent Tim Canova for Congress, that's what! He endorsed Bernie, Bernie has endorsed him, so now it is time for progressives to ba