What Would Bernie Sanders Do - The Podcast

#1 -- Why Do We Like This Guy So Much?



There's this guy who's running for president. His name is Bernie Sanders. He's "NOT FOR SALE." What does that mean? Unlike every other candidate in either party, he is not taking corporate money. What a nutty thing! Why, that would mean he didn't have to bow and scrape and grovel for every dollar from millionaires and billionaires in the business and media world, and could simply say exactly what he believes in. Bernie IS running for president, but he's also spearheading a movement to get money out of politics -- unless its from people like you and me. He's aiming to be the voice of ordinary people -- not the voice of corporations and billionaires. Who are your podcasters? Dr. Barry Kaufman is a terrifically knowledgeable guy who has taken on the mission of informing people about Bernie Sanders and all he stands for. He is ably assisted by show host Darren Stephens, who tosses in remarks and does all the technical stuff. Listen and learn and feel the Bern! Bernie Sanders for president in 2016!