Soul Music Of The World

Kafele: Prodigal Moon



Kafele, trumpeter, composer and producer, has been playing the trumpet for over 18 years. The name Kafele (pronounced kuh-FAY-lay) is of Egyptian origin, and means "worth dying for". Born in Baltimore, Maryland and raised in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, Kafele was first exposed to jazz by his parents. In fact, he attributes his love and appreciation for the art to his father who often listened to recordings of John Coltrane, Freddie Hubbard and Miles Davis among others. Later, his brothers and sisters introduced him to Hip-Hop and R&B. As a byproduct of becoming a Chicago resident for about 7 years, Kafele was inundated with lively, upbeat house music. This musically enriched background provided the influences that helped cultivate his unique sound.While attending Southern University in Baton Rouge, he studied Jazz Music Theory under the leadership of world-renowned jazz artist and educator, Alvin Batiste. During this time, Kafele was establishing a reputation by performing at various venues in Louisiana, Geor