Pb & Jason

Issue 50: PB & J



It's the 50th issue of PB & Jason! Celebrate the show's mega-normal issue by listening, TODAY! On the Jason-based podcast docket? Differences between Sony and Nintendo! Most specifically, the differences in their upcoming pieces of hardware, after Sony stated the Vita can function as a controller for the PS3. Also explained are the differences between Sony's "Welcome Back" program and Nintendo's recently announced Ambassador program. Actually, for Issue 50, not much else is discussed, though there is a little bit of talk about a few upcoming 3DS titles, namely StarFox 64 3D and Mario Kart 7. The podcast ends with a little bit of a mention of a game Chris is playing, Infamous 2, along with some commentary about both titles. Enjoy this week's picture, and note that there's two jars. That means there's two of them, just like the Ice Climbers. Hooray!