Colin Thomson: Do More

057: The Successful Musician's Work Ethic with Sam Matla



Sam Matla is the founder of EDMProd, a blog and resource website that teaches electronic music producers how to make better music and overcome creative problems. He published The Producer's Guide to Workflow & Creativity after running EDMProd for two years, which has received an immense amount of positive feedback and helped musicians and producers across the world. Key Take Aways: With any project, you have to be able to come to the point where you say it's "good enough" The multitude of choices available to the producer can be paralyzing When a style of music becomes generic or over-done, it's often the perfect opportunity for someone with new ideas to build on it, and do something really exciting As a producer, or anyone in music, you cannot overestimate the power of networking Your work ethic has to be on point if you want to make it in the music industry As an EDM producer, start with your local scene. Don't try to skip this step Set clear objectives for every work session to stay productive Don't t