Official Mark Levin Audio Rewind

12/17/15 - Mark Levin Audio Rewind



The Republicans have become handmaidens to President Obama through a massive omnibus spending bill that brings spending hikes across the board and brings in special interest tax breaks. Republicans and Paul Ryan didn't even try to roll back EPA's attack on the Industrial Revolution and Obama's massive executive overreach. This omnibus spending bill will increase deficit by hundreds of billions of dollars. Debt obligations are real and even America can't ignore them. Unfortunately, the Republican party is as gluttonous and insatiable as the Democrats, and is shutting down future generations (instead of the government) through their surrender of the power of the purse. Also, Donald Trump's immigration plan has been trashed and considered to be radical, but that was Marco Rubio's same position in 2010, which he has now changed. Leftists and their Republican cronies who are big spenders and support illegal immigration are called "compassionate", while those who are against these policies are criticized and trashe