Official Mark Levin Audio Rewind

12/4/15 - Mark Levin Audio Rewind



Dan Bongino, contributing editor for Conservative Review, fills in for Mark. For conservatives to fight back effectively they have to understand why liberals do what they do. Today, it is impossible for the narrative of the left and the narrative of the right to coexist. People on the right do what they do for God, their family, and then their community. The narrative on the left is that Americans are too stupid to live their own lives and that the government leaders and bureaucrats know better. Also, the left sees terrorism as a result of global inequality caused by free markets. President Obama doesn't want to call terrorism for what it is because it doesn't advance the liberal socialist agenda. The left blames terrorism on America's capitalism, freedom and liberty. Calling out terrorism distracts from the propaganda that America's capitalism and freedom are to blame. Conservatives know poverty or global inequality did not motivate Osama bin Laden and the San Bernardino terrorists to do what they did - it