Official Mark Levin Audio Rewind

11/17/15 - Mark Levin Audio Rewind



Since when is it un-American to prevent people from coming into our country to protect us from terrorism? However, it is un-American to round up citizens and put them in internment camps as FDR had done in 1942. Republicans don't want to round anybody up, they just want to protect America by stopping a major threat from getting here before it does. Also, the Anti-Defamation League, CAIR, and other left wing groups want GOP governors to reconsider their status on rejecting the refugees. They are no more than leftist mouthpieces which have no business admonishing those who stand up for America. Later, the FBI is concerned it doesn't have the man power and technology to find out what's going on with terrorists and the administration is putting a smiley face on its ability to contain domestic threats. Finally, Rand Paul calls to talk about his proposal to stop refugee's visa's.