Official Mark Levin Audio Rewind

11/16/15 - Mark Levin Audio Rewind



When it comes to fighting a successful war, the modern Democratic party is incapable of fighting one. The Democrat party is so committed to its left wing agenda that it can't defend the country. Though there are differences among Republicans, every single Republican would stand up to fight ISIS. President Obama and the Democrats are not identifying the enemy, not concerned about Islamists crossing the border, and did not wake up after the Paris attacks. Even the socialists in France get that action needs to be taken against ISIS. Also, even some in the liberal press seem to be getting it as they ask Obama the tough questions on ISIS at a press conference in Turkey. Reporters put the President on the spot and Obama just dismisses the issue and makes it look like no big deal. We need a leader that talks about American values and takes any threat against the American people seriously. Later, Republican candidates should take Democrats to task on their inability to stand up for America. Americans do not need 4 mo