Andrea Kaye And Stan Prowse Legal Eagle Radio

PTSD May Be a Factor in a Military Divorce



Divorce and PTSD The first question for an attorney representing a service member is whether his client has PTSD. Clients don't come in the door with their psychological issues written on their foreheads, and asking someone if they've been diagnosed with PTSD is probably not the best way to start a succesful relationship.  On the other hand, there are tactful ways to approach the issue.  You can certainly ask, 'When did you last deploy?  Were you in a combat zone?'  However, that's dancing around.   In my experience, the best way to approach possible psychological issues in a military divorce is the same way they should be approached in every divorce. Part of the client's intake process in every case should be obtaining the client's medical history.  Whether you're dealing with a Fortune 500 executive who's been forced to take unwanted early retirement, or a PFC who's coming off several months in Afghanistan at a forward fire base in the middle of nowhere, you can't represent the client effectively without