Get Your Message Heard With Michael Hudson

GYMH 35 - Wrap Up the Old or Plan the New?



The last few weeks of the year always challenges me. Usually there are a number of projects and action items remaining on my list, and I am never quite sure whether to focus my energy on doing them.   The truth is that in the past I never asked that question. I just pushed through and made sure all of the goals and objectives I had set earlier in the year were completed--ever box had to be checked off!   But you know what I learned?   Doing that doesn't serve me, my business, or my clients well. In fact, it takes my attention off of what matters most at this time of the year ... setting the stage for a quick start in the New Year.   That's why a few years ago I started subjecting my action list to this question every October: If I wasn't already doing this, would I begin?   When I ask that question (and answer honestly) I realize that some of the things I thought mattered early in the year are no longer relevant. So I started taking action to remove them from the list.   What did I gain?   Margin.   The margi