Get Your Message Heard With Michael Hudson

GYMH 25 - How to Make Sure Perfectionism Doesn’t Cripple Your Progress



Nothing threatens your success in getting your message heard more than the desire to do everything perfectly. Have you ever considered the pitfalls of perfectionism? It leads to isolation, and isolation kills creativity. It ignores what the user wants. It violates the recipe of Ask, Listen, Learn, Serve. In this episode, I also share candidly about how perfectionism trapped me in my head and led to me never shipping a product or service. Tune in today for the full story. Have A Question? I'd Love to Answer. Simply email and your question will be answered on a future episode of the podcast. I will also send you a free copy of my book, Public Speaker Secrets. Download Your Copy of the 3-Step Roadmap to Start, Run, and Grow Your Speaking Business This free guide contains my best strategies to help you start, run, and grow a speaking business from scratch. Download it today and you'll access to time-tested tactics that I've used to help hundreds of coaches, consultants, and professiona